태그: 18세 이상, RenPy, 거유, 게임, 고화질, 공공장소, 구강 섹스, 금발, 노모, 망가, 사정, 섹스, 섹시, 섹시한 엉덩이, 스트립, 시뮬레이션, 어드벤쳐, 중고딩, 퀘스트, 퀴즈, 클릭 게임, 페티쉬, 펠라치오, 학생 섹스, 핸드잡, 흑발
After graduating from your old school, you decided to attend a university in a larger city, hoping to meet new people and experience something new. You've spent weeks packing and saying goodbye to old friends and familiar places, but now it's time to face the future. You grab your bags and make your way into the dormitory building, your heart pounding with anticipation. A lot of adventures are waiting for you, as you will suddenly find yourself in a dormitory crowded with beautiful girls. It seems that you will completely forget about studying.
기타: Renpy Bugs
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