Broken & Loved

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설명: Rei is a fun and ambitious college student who has just moved to the big city from a small town to study photography. Whether Rei is a bubbly girl or a driven guy, your choices will shape their personality, interests, and even their innocence. Rei's main focus is on excelling in school, so romance isn’t on their mind—until fate brings them together with Evangeline. She’s quiet and keeps to herself, but when she meets Rei, she starts to open up. Every interaction with her brings them closer, both emotionally and physically. As their bond grows stronger, will Rei’s photography lead to a heartwarming love story?
기타: Renpy Bugs | Help after Version Update

버전: 업데이트 완료: 2024-12-31, 포스팅 완료: 2024-12-30. 업데이트를 하시겠습니까?!
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