No More Secrets

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설명: The main character's mother died of lung cancer. His parents kept the disease a secret, as they did not want to upset their son. The father started drinking heavily and ended up in prison. By a lucky chance, the main character was taken home by the director of the school Phill. It seems that everything should have been fine, but the director unexpectedly got married, and the main character felt superfluous in this ideal family. The guy started taking drugs, and this led to an overdose. The main character agrees to a rehabilitation course, but it seems that everyone is hiding something from him. That's exactly what he has to find out.
기타: Renpy Bugs | Help after Version Update

버전: 업데이트 완료: 2023-05-12, 포스팅 완료: 2023-05-12. 업데이트를 하시겠습니까?!
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