The Incredible Steal

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설명: In this parody of "The Incredibles", superheroes are still illegal, so Bob is stuck in a boring office job that's nothing like his heroic past. He's feeling frustrated with his life, and then suddenly, a shady secret agency contacts him with an exciting offer - to return to being a superhero. But there's a catch - instead of being the hero himself, he has to use his wife Helen to do the missions. The stakes are high because Bob's decision will affect not only the superhero world, but also his family - especially Helen and his daughter. Will he risk everything to go back and be a hero, or will it ruin his family's life?

버전: 업데이트 완료: 2024-10-12, 포스팅 완료: 2024-10-11. 업데이트를 하시겠습니까?!

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